Friends of Trinity Bellwoods Park (FoTBP) are volunteers from the community that work together to improve and maintain the green space, cultural and recreational activities of Trinity Bellwoods Park. Since 2001, Friends of Trinity Bellwoods has been recognized by Parks, Forestry & Recreation, the City and by the Councillor as the vehicle of community consultation for the park. We are a diverse group who are willing to share new ideas, respect other points of view, and participate in a collaborative process to create a vibrant community park.
Our Mission? We hope to ensure that the park will be maintained as a healthy public green space for decades to come. Toronto’s parks are often referred to as the “lungs” of our city. Besides providing a welcome refuge from the hurly burly of city life, park trees and public greens help clean our air of pollutants. Historically designated as an arboretum, Trinity Bellwoods Park, contains some of the oldest and most unique trees in Toronto. We want to take care of the existing natural environment and gradually improve it over time.
Please visit the ABOUT the FRIENDS menu for more. Here is a downloadable pdf of the park & link to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
Latest Park News
Fall park meeting – Sept. 11th
We’re a bit rusty, but we are brushing the dust off some chairs at the rec centre for a fall park meeting – so be kind 😉 Our Mission? We hope to ensure that the park will be maintained as a healthy public green space for decades to come. Toronto’s parks are often referred…Read…
Pulling invasives – Sept 5, 6pm – Park Stewardship
The group is due to meet to do some weed wacking in the park! Yay! Time Thursday Sept 5, 6:00 Where: top of dog bowl in Trinity south end (If it rains we postpone till Sept 26) Bring a trowel, clippers, and if you have it a shovel and a garbage bag and or bucket and water…Read…
A little help for our park
Our park stewards are at it again for a summer pull! This time to remove invasive plants. Bring a trowel, clippers and if you have a garbage bag and or bucket. Proper disposal of invasive plants prevents more spreading. Be great to have your help. When: Thursday August 1st at 6:30pm at the south end,…Read…
Garlic mustard pull report
Thank you all the community volunteers that showed up last week for the first garlic mustard team removal! The group is looking for more help to try to deal with garlic mustard before it goes to seed. If you have any time and can either help out with us this Thursday or if you can…Read…
Garlic Mustard in Trinity Bellwoods Park!
Garlic Mustard is in Trinity Bellwoods! Did you know Garlic mustard is one of Ontario’s most aggressive forest invaders and threatens biodiversity. Learn more about garlic mustard here: Our Bellwoods community member Shân has suggested we come together to help reduce the spread in Bellwoods by handpulling as much as we can on Thursday May 16th before the…Read…