Garlic Mustard is in Trinity Bellwoods!
Did you know Garlic mustard is one of Ontario’s most aggressive forest invaders and threatens biodiversity.
Learn more about garlic mustard here:
Our Bellwoods community member Shân has suggested we come together to help reduce the spread in Bellwoods by handpulling as much as we can on Thursday May 16th before the plants go to seed in June!
Meet us at the south entrance to the dog bowl at 6:30 for a brief orientation and we’ll get pulling! Bring a digger and/or cutter to pull the plants out fully and a heavy duty black plastic garbage bag or waste bag if you have it. Gloves can be helpful but aren’t necessary.
And feel free to pick garlic mustard that you see on your own! The more picked the better (as long as you properly dispose of it! Solarize picked garlic mustard by placing it in sealed black garbage bags and leaving them in direct sunlight for 1-3 weeks, don’t compost or send it to landfill). Learn more about picking garlic mustard from the attached pdf here! How to remove garlic mustard.
Hope to see you Thursday!
– Friends of Trinity Bellwoods Park