New Trees!

The City just planted over 35 new baby trees in the park!

You can see these new trees throughout the park. There are some oaks, maples, yellowwood, common hackberries, Kentucky coffee trees, and more, as well as a wealth of new Japanese cherry trees to replace some sadly damaged trees in our cherry grove at the south end of the park!

Please be gentle with these new trees if you come across them while enjoying the park, they’re just babies! Do not lock bikes to new saplings.

These 35 trees will help rebuild our urban canopy and improve the green space Toronto has to offer. Now more than ever our city and communities depend on these green spaces for our physical and mental health.

All these new trees need Tree Guardians to help them survive transplantation and establish strong root systems. Tree Guardians make sure their tree gets 5 gallons of water every week from May to October and Friends of Bellwoods has jugs and wagons to help!

Email or get in touch via our contact page, subject line ‘Adopt-A-Tree’ to become a Tree Guardian TODAY!